Feedback Form for Cirro and Spaces

The following form is for Cirro Space users to report issues, request new features or just to share some generic feedback with the development team. This could mean the Cirro platform itself or the Spaces which the Cirro team develops and keeps in operation.

Can't find your email?
The product in question
Please state the product which you are referring to, in case it's your own Space, state it's name in the Other section.
IMPORTANT: Keep it short and concise, it'll be the title of a Jira issue (maximum 255 characters)
Please set the Priority of your request
Please be cautions and use common sense. Only use higher tier when it's absolutely necessary. Factor in the relationship with Customer, the urgency of the request etc. We'll triage each submission, and may ask for additional information/reasoning before prioritizing your request.

Blocker - Testing cannot continue without the integration, definite blocker on Customer's side, possible revenue loss for the Customer AND/OR EPAM.

Critical - The Space functionality should be operational as a test is imminent or the functionality is required right now or in a matter of days. Possible blocker on the Customer's side.

Major - No immediate need for the integration, but the functionality should be available in a couple of days.

Minor - The functionality should be available in a week or so, open for negotiation in terms of delivery date.

Trivial - The default setting. No clear preference of resolution date, almost no impact on the Customer's day-to-day activities.
Please state the type of your submission
Bug: needs no introduction, you found an issue, you want to report it.
JIRA Ticket is going to be automatically generated based on your submission

Feature: we could improve on something, or we can add something new.
JIRA Ticket is going to be automatically generated based on your submission