Platform Integration Submission

Please fill out this form if you want to request a new integration with third-party software or if you want to request support for an existing integration and the Jira Cloud & Jira Server Add-On. Important update: this form populates testIO Product Jira project's "Integration Support" board. The Asana board will soon be decommissioned. If you want to check your newly submitted or existing request, please follow the links which you'll receive after you hit the Submit button at the end of the form. Integrations Team Fabien Garcia: Integration Architect Nandor Rigo: Integrations Manager

Can't find your email?
Please enter the domain name WITHOUT the "https://" prefix.
Or just simply enter your Customer's name.

IMPORTANT: For Feature request you can type "Feature" in here, if you cannot tie it to a specific Customer.
External software/tool requested?
IMPORTANT: If you are submitting a JIRA SERVER ADD-ON issue, or your new Customer is thinking about JIRA SERVER ADD-ON as an option, please refer to the following guide:

Please specify the tool you want to have a request with, if it's a Custom Integration and cannot pinpoint it to one tool, please choose Custom_Integration at the bottom, and specify your request's details in the appropriate section.

If you are submitting a Feature request, please select either the appropriate tool or the "Feature_Request" option below.
This will be the title of your request in Jira, please keep it short but informative.
E.g.: Issues during Field Mapping with Severity field
Please set the Priority of your request
Please be cautions and use common sense. Only use higher tier when it's absolutely necessary. Factor in the relationship with Customer, their payment tier etc.

Blocker - Test cannot continue without the integration, definite blocker on Customer's side, possible revenue loss for the Customer AND/OR Test.IO.

Critical - The integration should be operational as a test is imminent or the functionality is required right now or in a matter of days. Possible blocker on the Customer's side.

Major - No immediate need for the integration, but the functionality should be available in a couple of days.

Minor - The integration should be available in a week or so, open for negotiation in terms of delivery date.

Trivial - The default setting. No clear preference of resolution date, almost no impact on the Customer's day-to-day activities.
It is crucial to understand the scenario and it's a tool for us to rank the similarly prioritized requests.
Category of your request?